
Double Citrus Black Beans

I love making beans from scratch.  The result is far superior to anything that comes out of a tin can.  You can also tailor the spice level to suit your individual preference.  These Double Citrus Black Beans are an Ode to my late Mother who, like me, adored all things Mexican!  Enjoy!!

Double Citrus Black Beans
1 Pound Dried Black Beans
10 Cups Water
1 Yellow Onion
6 Cloves Garlic
2 Small Oranges (Satsumas work well)
2 Limes
2 Bay Leaves
1 teaspoon dried Oregano
1 Tablespoon Sea Salt (add when beans finish cooking)

Begin by soaking beans in a large pot of cold water for 6 hours or overnight.  Strain and rinse and add beans to large pot along with 10 Cups of cold water.  Chop onion in half, remove peel and add to pot along with whole peeled garlic, bay leaves and oregano.  Zest 1 lime and add lime zest to pot.  Slice zested lime and 1 orange in half and add all of their juice to pot.  You can even just throw them in there if you like (I did).  

Bring mixture to a gentle boil and stir.  Reduce to lowest simmer, keep lid cocked to the side and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until all beans are tender.  Now turn off heat and add salt.  Allow to sit covered for 10 minutes and then strain out most of the excess liquid leaving a little to keep beans moist.  This is all in personal preference to how "soupy" you like your beans.  You might even want to retain the liquid for making soup later on.

Using tongs or a slotted spoon remove onions, garlic, lime, orange and bay leaves as best you can and discard.  They have already done their job.  Now lastly add juice of remaining lime and orange and stir to combine.  Serve immediately or allow to cool to room temperature and store in tightly sealed glass vessel for up to one week in refrigerator.

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